Calvin needs your help!On July 14, 2015, we received the following note from Katie Colliander, one of our fondest clients:

As you know, my Grandson Calvin has been battling infantile nephrotic syndrome with a Wilms Tumor mutation. This means he needed to have his kidneys removed on April 1st. Needless to say, it has been quite emotional for all of us. Calvin spent 10 weeks in Lurie’s Children’s hospital (5 of those weeks in the PICU). The good news is that my daughter Heidi and her husband Garrett have wonderful insurance. The bill came in at $1.2 M, just for that stay! But – the whole cost was covered by insurance! Yay!

As we all know, we never know what is around the corner. Heidi is a middle school teacher and has been off work since March and will be taking the next year off. Calvin goes for dialysis 4 days a week. She takes him downtown and then dialysis lasts about 3.5 hours and then drives back home. They are very long days!

Even though they currently have excellent insurance, we know that this will be a lifetime of expenses. Calvin will have a kidney transplant as soon as he reaches 22 lbs., currently he is around 16 lbs. The first kidney transplant typically lasts for around 25-30 years. So we know he will need another transplant down the line. We just don’t know what will happen with insurance next week, next year or 10 years from now.

Calvin’s family and friends are hosting a Piano Keys and Kidneys fundraiser on October 9, 2015 . We are working with the Children’s Organ Transplant Association (COTA) in honor of Calvin. This is where you come in! I am hoping the Holiday Inn could donate something to help Calvin out. Anything will  be fantastic!

Holiday Inn & Suites is happy to contribute a one-night stay at in a standard deluxe room to help Calvin’s journey!

Holiday Inn & Suites Carol Stream helps Calvin's cause.

For more information on how you can get involved to help Calvin and his family, please click HERE!